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Monday 5 July 2010

Budget Travel to Japan

Visiting the land of cherry blossoms, sake and geishas has been a dream of many, however financing such a trip leads travellers to put away the glossy travel brochures to one side and settle for dreams and photos instead.
Japan is undoubtedly one of the most expensive destinations to visit, but there are ways to explore the cherry blossom land on a budget.


Flights are probably one of the most expensive costs you will have to pay out to a trip to Japan. You can cut down your flights costs by shopping around for the best deals. An internet search will result in much cheaper options than what a travel agency would. Places like and STA travel for those under 26 or a student (or even not either) will compare a vast range of different airlines for the rest deal.

Another flight option is to turn up at the airport and board a charter plane. Waiting for these can take some time but the costs are cut way down. The best bet is to travel off season when flight prices are cut in half.


Hotels are the most expensive factor in a holiday; Tokyo’s hotels can cost an arm and a leg. However, you do not need to sell all your worldly possessions on accommodation. Again, an internet search on will compare hotel options for you.

Again, travelling off season is a good option as many hotels will offer a 50% discount on their rooms. Ask whether you could get a free upgrade; you will be amazed how often a hotel will put guests in their luxury suites if there are not a lot of guests.

If you must travel during peak season, a good way to save money is by staying in a hostel. These are the most basic of accommodation; some hostels will have mixed or single-sex dorms, plus single and double rooms if you want a bit of privacy. Do not expect glitz and glam at hostels; popular with backpackers, they offer a cheap alternative for those visiting on a strict budget.

Travelling in Japan:

Whilst it would be nice to hire a car or motorbike, these can be expensive. If touring Japan on a budget, opt to use a free mode of transportation – your legs. As long as you have a good pair of walking shows you can get anywhere with this form of transport.

When your legs can’t carry you any further, invest in a travel card if you are going to be in a particular area for a while. STA Travel gives you the option of buying a travel pass to use on the trains in Japan at half of what it would cost if purchased in Japan on the day.


Japanese cuisine can be a great way to experience the culture; on the other hand, it can also be a great way of draining your budget. Food is a necessity though. Instead of going to all those fancy high class restaurants, opt to eat at the places everyday Japanese people go. They may look a little rough, but the food is good and is cheap enough for you to try a bit of everything that takes your fancy.

Japan is a very expensive country to visit if you are doing everything in style, but even if you are on a strict budget, you can enjoy yourself immensely and appreciate her for the beautiful country she is.

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